Write Now! How to Create Engaging Branded Content for Your Digitally Native Business

Content creation is an important step in building a brand but writing comes more naturally to some entrepreneurs than others. Whether you’re apprehensive of getting started or merely seeking to improve your existing strategy, this guide can help.  

What Should Your Branded Content Say?

Publishing content is an excellent opportunity to connect with new and existing customers. The goal is to become a resource by offering insights that are relevant to your audience. From providing information about products to analyzing developing trends in your industry, you can add value post-transaction while establishing trust.

Imagine you sell bicycles and related accessories. Cycling enthusiasts have a variety of choices to select from, so it’s essential to differentiate your brand from others on the market. A compelling article could convince them to purchase from your business instead of a less knowledgeable competitor by establishing yourself as an expert.

Inspiration for writing branded content

Demonstrate Your Expertise to Stand Out

Even if a customer decides not to purchase right away, a blog or video essay might stick in their memory. The next time they see your brand online, they might think to themselves, “They know their stuff, let me take another look at what they have for sale.” This will supplement your existing ads while improving efficacy.

It also pays to keep customers coming back between purchases. Whereas cycling enthusiasts may only purchase a new bike occasionally, many like to keep up to date on new products and trends in the sport. Becoming a trusted source of information in the interim may very well encourage those holdouts to shop with your company the next time they upgrade or buy accessories.

Earn Loyalty Through Consistent Content

Avoid writing about fads or trends that will likely be short lived. Instead, focus on curating evergreen content and establishing a regular upload schedule. Start with one piece of content per month, then increase to one every two weeks.

In so doing, you make your content work for you long after clicking “Publish.” Pursuing a robust content strategy can help you become a repository of insightful, data-rich information that your audience finds useful. The more time they spend on your website consuming your content, the more likely they are to stay and make a purchase.

Content Checklist

Driving Content Strategy in 2022

There are some additional considerations. After all, content writing is far from the only task founders must see to as part of daily operations. Many find it difficult to implement and sustain an effective content strategy, but there are several solutions that can help you achieve your goals.

For example, you might hire a copywriter or outsource this function to a third-party agency. There are also numerous online courses for founders seeking to create their own optimized digital content. Whether you want to tackle it yourself or assign the task to an employee, here’s what you need to know about driving content strategy in the coming year.

SEO is an Essential Tool

By now you’ve probably familiar with search engine optimization, at least in theory if not in practice. Experts are predicting that SEO will play an increasingly important role as the world shifts to digital. Moreover, it is a key factor in differentiating your brand and the content you publish in service of the business.

Neil Patel, Content Hacker, and various other resources will prove invaluable as you strive to ensure content is relevant and engaging. Consider investing in at least one course this year so you can get the most out of your branded content.

Fact Checking is Instantaneous

The online public has become increasingly skeptical amid widespread misinformation on the internet. Content that is ultimately in service of your brand should be accurate and consistent across the board. Any discrepancies could damage your reputation with your target audience and the community at large.

Consider Your Messaging

Strive for consistency, not only in frequency but in your overall messaging. Your content should reflect the same values as your mission statement, marketing materials, etc. Customers are savvy and will see through obvious attempts to manipulate or mislead them, so its best to publish content that is honest and conscientious.

Key Takeaways

Creating branded content is an ongoing endeavor but is absolutely worth investing the time and effort. You can ensure the longevity of your brand by boosting engagement and earning recognition as an authority in your space. And, as we’ve shared in previous blog posts, brand building is one of the most important things founders can do to add value to their business in anticipation of a high-value M&A transaction.

A robust content strategy will prove invaluable in both the short and long term. In addition to aforementioned benefits, curating branded content can help your business stand out from other listings without a repository of blogs, articles, and research pieces. Moreover, it signals to the market that you’re taking a wholistic approach to building out your brand. 

About Global Wired Advisors

Retaining an experienced Investment Banking professional is the first step in securing your financial future. Global Wired Advisors combines decades of transactional and operational expertise to provide institutional-caliber service to our Clients while helping them earn the maximum value for their digitally native or Amazon FBA businesses. If you’re considering a sale, or if you’d like to learn more about our process, click here to connect with one of our Advisors today!

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